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A Day in the Life of an Applied Behavior Analyst

What is an Applied Behavior Analyst?

Behavior analysis is the science of learning. Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is the utilization of findings from the experimental analysis of behavior to solve real-world problems, which may be quite wide in their range. For example, ABA practitioners help individuals master new skills, replace undesirable habits with more sustainable behavior, lead work teams with compassion, generate routines in the classroom or home, build friendships, reduce smoking, and many other important behaviors. Clients may be children or adults, they may have intellectual and developmental disabilities or be typically developing, or gifted.

In practice settings, board certified behavior analysts (BCBAs) help parents, caregivers, family members and professionals arrange activities and environments that promote success among those with a range of support needs. On any given day, a BCBA will perform up to three different tasks that bring about lasting change in people’s behavior. 

1. Conduct assessments in collaboration with stakeholders

BCBAs observe individuals in school, work, clinic and home settings to pinpoint skills to be taught and challenging behaviors to be reduced. They use assessment strategies to identify preferences for various activities, foods and beverages. These preferences matter to individuals when they are in sessions working to learn new skills. BCBAs assess the function of behavior. They  identify the circumstances under which people act. The things people do might be considered desirable or undesirable. In either case, BCBAs assess the conditions under which targeted behavior occurs. The assessments BCBAs commonly conduct generate quantitative data (frequency, duration and latency of behaviors are common measurements) along with some helpful qualitative data (preference and consumer satisfaction surveys). 

To conduct assessments and design interventions, BCBAs work collaboratively with their clients and families, as well as other professionals in the field. These professionals include speech and language pathologists, occupational therapists, clinical psychologists, medical doctors and psychiatrists. In-person and online meetings, open-ended interviews, surveys and questionnaires, and direct observations recorded by each member of a team help realize goals of equitable contribution from all involved. When individuals receiving services cannot participate, BCBAs often ask another with similar needs to offer input. BCBAs strive for maximum involvement from those most impacted by behavior intervention.

2. Develop individualized, evidence-based behavior intervention plans

Behavior analysts aim to help individuals in their unique contexts. To accomplish this, BCBAs often analyze behavior in the environment in which it occurs and rearrange the environment for individuals to flourish. BCBAs rely on research and evidence-based interventions to tailor their treatment approach to the needs of the clients they serve. In this way, the treatment recommended is individualized to each client in each unique setting. BCBAs may use certain protocols, but they are often fine-tuned to meet client and family needs. 


3. Collect and analyze data to monitor progress and modify interventions

The hallmark of effective behavior analysis is precise measurement of behavior in context. BCBAs spend time each day defining behavior, writing examples and non-examples, recording examples, teaching others to collect data and discussing the importance of accurate data, even if these data disconfirm what they expect or show that an intervention is ineffective.

“We’re at a critical juncture in the field of applied behavior analysis. Special education classrooms, clinics, and service centers are addressing new challenges. Twenty years ago, most ABA practitioners worked with young children with limited verbal skills. Today, behavior analysts practice with a larger age range of clients with much stronger verbal skills and more complex social needs. Questions that autistic self-advocates have raised are leading us to new standards for ethical conduct. We are at a pivotal time for strengthening our ties to science and innovating treatment approaches with it. Throughout my career, I’ve never been more excited about the opportunities for applied behavior analysts to make dynamic impacts in their communities.” - Tom Szabo, Director, Applied Behavior Analysis Online Graduate Certificate Program


Choose the Right Program for You: Vanderbilt University Peabody College’s ABA Online Certificate Program

In the Vanderbilt Peabody College online certificate program, classes focus on understanding the science of behavior, including classroom management, basic science, theory, ethical practices, early childhood special education, single case research designs and personnel supervision. With this comprehensive knowledge, students can make meaningful contributions to the field, whether through research-based practice, program development, science-based approaches to organizational behavior management, or the design of a compassionate, responsive workplace culture.

Peabody's online graduate certificate program provides you with the opportunity to learn from respected and influential leaders in the field of applied behavior analysis. Faculty are known for their work in early childhood education, severe problem behavior intervention, single case research design, and acceptance and commitment training. By engaging with this distinguished community of practitioners and scholars, you can expand your knowledge, network, and access to important developments in the field.

Learn more about advancing your career in applied behavior therapy here and the Vanderbilt Peabody College ABA certificate program here


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