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5 Insights From Vanderbilt University's Peabody College Alumni

Located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, Vanderbilt Peabody College continues to affirm its prestigious reputation in the realm of education, research and policy. Rated the #6 Best Graduate School in 2023, we proudly dedicate and showcase our commitment to pioneering innovation and robust, transformative education. Peabody’s reputation is not only reflected through academic achievements and accolades, but is reflected in the experiences and insights of our exceptional alumni network.

Peabody College graduates have amassed a wealth of knowledge during their time at Vanderbilt and have diligently utilized their education in their respective fields, building influential and rewarding careers across the globe. Explore their words of wisdom around personal growth, career development, the Peabody experience, networking and societal contributions.



Insight #1: You'll work with talented, warm-hearted colleagues and professors in the field of education.

During your time at Peabody College, you'll find yourself in the company of both colleagues and professors who will foster intellectual growth and nurture professional relationships, which you’ll take with you and help shape your future.

Each of my classes provided me with the opportunity to work with professors who are leaders in their specific concentrated research and the field of education. Discussing with thoughtful professors and insightful peer cohort members helped me to grow as a scholar and as an educator by allowing me to consider new perspectives and reflect on the changing dynamics in the education system.”

— Bailey McCraner, Elementary Education Graduate (2023), 3rd grade teacher at Julia Green Elementary MNPS.

A woman giving a presentation to a group of people.

The connection and sense of community I felt while a student at Peabody has continued beyond graduation. I am still connected with my cohort and mentors. My education at Peabody has allowed me to pursue my passion and be a change maker, fostered enhanced self-awareness, and provided opportunities to grow personally and professionally.”

—LeAnn Wills, M.Ed Human Development Counseling Graduate (2022)

LeAnn continues to pursue her passion as a PhD student in counselor education at the University of TN Knoxville.


Insight #2: Use the space you're given to focus on your ideas and goals. 

At Peabody College, we offer a space that fosters creativity and thoughtfulness, allowing you to concentrate on nurturing your unique ideas and propelling yourself towards your goals.

I came to Peabody because I recognized certain gaps in myself as a researcher, and worked carefully to take courses and meet people that would help fill those gaps. Because of my time at Peabody, I became a much stronger mixed methods researcher, policy analyst and am able to take a much more critical eye to research. Personally, the connections I made during my time at CDA remain some of my strongest contacts in Nashville and are people I can rely on both for personal and professional support and guidance.”

— Gavin Crowell-Williamson, Community Development and Action Graduate (2021), Research & Policy Manager in the Metro Nashville Government.

A professional black man in glasses and a tie converses with a colleague across a desk in an office setting.

Personally, this program helped me further define and refine my purpose. As an educator and a school leader, I am motivated by the connections I build and the impact that I can have on the community I serve. Articulating this - especially through rigorous coursework and shared meaning-making with my peers - has completely energized my approach to my job, and it has given me tools to do so effectively. There is a deep sense of fulfillment that I get from this, and that extends into my personal life with my family and friends.”

— Gregory Schmitt, Independent School Leadership Graduate (2022)

Gregory continues his fulfillment as the Associate Head of School for Teaching and Learning at Palmas Academy.

Insight #3: Your cohort will become a support system and a network. 

At Peabody, not only will you gain peers who can provide academic and emotional support, but also valuable connections that can open doors to future opportunities.

Jessica Lee, Higher Education Administration Graduate (2021), and now Senior Analyst at Huron Consulting Group, states that individuals in her cohort have made her a better person and professional.

Peabody has connected me with a network of peers and colleagues who have enriched both my personal and professional life. Even amidst the pandemic, my cohort continued to share positivity and support for one another, especially during the job search. The individuals I have met through my Peabody journey continue to amaze and inspire me to become a better person, advocate, and higher education professional. Their impact on me is indescribable, and I appreciate the fact that we are all able to stay connected because of this experience.”

A man and woman in a classroom.

Continuing to stay connected to her peers and professors, Maggie Bryant, Reading Education Graduate (2018), credits her newest endeavor to Peabody:  

My Peabody education has been incredibly impactful to me, and I continue to benefit from it years later and states away! Personally, I have remained connected to professors and peers and those relationships guide me and enrich my life through collaborations and like-minded experiences. Professionally, Peabody was the place where I began to envision myself returning to academia for a Ph.D.” She is currently enrolled as a PhD Student at Baylor University.


Brittany Mosby, Educational Leadership and Policy Graduate (2019), and current Director of HBCU Success, TN Higher Education Commission, states her Peabody network has opened opportunities for her.

My time at Peabody was transformational for me as a scholar, researcher and practitioner. The courses, the cohort model with my classmates, and interactions with faculty engaged in cutting edge research all instilled within me a confidence and reenergized passion for higher education policy. The network of Peabody alum is expansive and far-reaching, and being a part of that network has opened opportunities for me, including my current role (which is my dream job!)”


Insight #4: You will leave knowing more about yourself and how you want to lead.

As you journey through Peabody College's transformative course and experiences, you'll develop a deeper understanding of your strengths, your values and the leadership style that resonates with you, empowering you for success throughout your professional life.

My time at Peabody was a great stepping stone into my current line of work. My program emphasized community partnerships, so I was able to gain valuable experience working with students, teachers and professionals through my degree program. Not only were these partnerships a wonderful opportunity to apply what I was learning in an authentic environment, but they also gave me valuable experience I could point to during my job search. The Learning & Design program attracts all kinds of educators, and getting to hear my classmates' experiences and learn from their expertise was so valuable.”

— Stacy Gall, Learning & Design Graduate (2022)

Stacy now resides as the School Programs Coordinator at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum.

Two students collaborate on a laptop in a bustling classroom while a third student looks on from the left.

Independent School Leadership Graduate, (2023) Kelly O’Mara, now a college counselor at Baylor School, states:

My time at Peabody offered me not only the opportunity to grow as an educator but also as a person. Through thoughtful and meaningful engagement with my professors and fellow cohort members, I was both supported and challenged to examine my leadership and values in a way that will continue to help me in my work and in my life. Throughout the program, I felt supported as a practitioner and equipped to make a positive impact on my school community. The foundation I built at Peabody was transformational and will have a lasting experience on my life as well as the lives of the students whom I have the privilege of working with each year.” 


Insight #5: You will be exceptional in your field.

Graduating from Peabody College equips you with an unparalleled education, cutting-edge knowledge and skills and a commanding reputation that will distinguish you as an outstanding leader and innovator in the field of education.

My education at Peabody prepared me to establish the central tenet of my budding career: that health and wellbeing throughout the lifespan is inexorably linked with social, environmental and household conditions early in life. Peabody taught me that improving outcomes for children and families rests on a foundation of developmental science and requires intervention across all stages of development.”

— Hannah Duiven, Child Studies Applied Professional Track Graduate (2022), now Community Resilience Coordinator at the TN Department of Health.

A woman and her daughter are working on a wooden abacus.

Ariane Willson, Leadership & Organizational Performance Graduate (2022), reflects on a few techniques she learned at Peabody that she continues to use in her everyday life.

My experience at Peabody left a lasting impression about the necessity of good community for happiness, both at work and in life. I practiced the important skills of asking the right questions and listening to others' feelings and ideas, and it rewarded me tenfold with lasting relationships and a robust network of curious individuals. I am now a consultant [at Associate at McChrystal Group] that works with clients seeking ways to improve their processes, communication and leadership development. Directly using the organizational psychology research and business techniques I learned with LOP, my mission is to co-create spaces of inclusivity and cultures of kind, direct communication with my clients.” 

Become Part of the Peabody College Community at Vanderbilt University

By applying the insights gained from Peabody College alumni, you can pave the way towards immense personal and professional growth.

At Peabody College, you're more than just a student; you're part of an intellectual cohort that challenges the norms and innovates for a better tomorrow. The support system you cultivate, the goals you set and achieve and the in-depth knowledge you gain won't just help you become exceptional in the field — they will inspire a continuous journey of learning, leading and growing throughout your life.

When you graduate as a Vanderbilt University alum, you not only possess an unrivaled education but also a sense of purpose and a network of valuable connections. 


Become Part of the Peabody College Community at Vanderbilt University

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